Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Watch the launch of Space Shuttle Endeavour (the last of the three shuttles left to fly since Columbia's accident in 2003) tonight live at 6:36 pm EDT on NasaTV! Mission STS-118 is a multi-purpose mission to perform assembly, repairs and resupply on the International Space Station. This will be the first shuttle flight for astronaut/teacher/mission specialist Barbara Morgan and a happy bookend for the space program as Barbara was Christa McAuliffe’s backup in the Teacher in Space Project when Space Shuttle Challenger was lost in 1986. Most of the mission (including the spacewalks) will be broadcasted live on NasaTV for the next 11 days.


Anonymous said...

Orange space suits... or are astronauts recruited from Guantanamo nowadays?

Tony said...

orange is indeed very fashion these days...