Monday, August 14, 2006

A rabbit? A frakkin' rabbit???

So I discovered this week-end that my chinese zodiacal sign was "rabbit". I always thought (being born in 1976) that I was a dragon. See, dragon is cool. Rabbit, meh... not so much. On the other hand, being a rabbit might now explain a few things...


Anonymous said...

rabbit, rabbit, (dans rabbit, il y a ... je te l'accorde) sorry, private French joke,

nevertheless, quick, little, and a bit conceited : this fits you better than a dragon !!

Tony said...

hum... you forgot the sometime red eyes (do rabbit wear contact lenses too???), the love for carrots and the important sex drive...

Anonymous said...

tant qu'il n'y a que le grand maître du zodiaque pour t'appeler rabbit, t'es sauvé !!
Tu pourras commencer à te poser des questions quand, un certain lendemain matin, avec un petit sourire en coin, elle t'appellera "mon lapin".... car le lapin a la peau douce, de grandes oreilles et ne connait que l'amour de 15 secondes.... Magali

Anonymous said...

I'm a rabbit, too. So don't be dissing the bunnies, babe..... --Amanda